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"Harness the power of the growth zone to silence your imposter voice, supercharge your personal development and become the very best version of you"

Is your internal imposter holding you back? Are you ready to break free?

Harness the power of the growth zone with these six simple, yet powerful steps to silence your imposter voice, supercharge your personal development and become the very best version of you.


1. Evaluate the evidence

In moments of doubt it's easy to focus on our own perception rather than reality. Consciously collect evidence of the times you’ve taken on new challenges and succeeded. Revisit this when your imposter appears to help silence the self-doubt.


2. Remind yourself of the research

Some of the most successful people in the world battle their inner imposter, research shows this often affects very capable high achievers. Always remember you’re not alone.


3. Capture the compliments

It's easy to forget about positive feedback and hold onto negativity. Start a compliments journal to capture positive feedback across all areas of your life. Reflecting back on reality helps boost confidence in those moments of doubt.


4. Assign a growth mentor

An independent viewpoint can make all the difference - you don't need to go it alone. Find a trusted mentor to support you in your growth journey, to help you step outside your comfort zone and remind you of your abilities when you need it most.


5. Pass on perfection​​

Perfection doesn’t exist - it's a destination you'll always be striving for but can never quite reach. This creates unrealistic expectations, feeding the imposter voice. Focus on doing your best and being satisfied that you've done enough - that’s the most we can ever do.


6. Get outside your comfort zone

A comfort zone is a familiar place but nothing ever grows there. Stepping outside of what’s comfortable and into the growth zone is when the magic really happens. Take those first few steps, and don't look back.


Focusing on these six simple yet powerful steps will help you silence your imposter voice, supercharge your personal development and become the very best version of you.


Are you ready to harness the power of the growth zone?

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